Saturday, January 27, 2007

I can only imagine..

Emmanuel; God is with us.
When you're sitting in the car looking up at the sky, you find yourself pondering, are You there, Lord? Most times we feel so empowered by the Lord and filled with the Holy Spirit. But there are also times, whereby we fall short of faith and let ourselves go. Times when we wonder, do I really believe in Him? Its nothing about Him not answering your prayers or calls. No. Just a thought.
When we attend Praise sessions, you'll find when you look around that everyone around you has got their hands raised up as high as the eye can see. Some singing at the top of their lungs, shouting praise. And praise God for that. But sometimes we find ourselves standing there, wondering. Why aren't I doing the same?
God our Father is always there, whether or not we feel His presence. And just knowing and believing He is there, lies in faith itself. Faith in God. Faith in trust. Faith in belief. Once you've established that beautiful relationship with the Lord, the sun seems to shine brighter and life is all the worth living because we are lost no more and have found direction in our lives. For we are all lost. Lost from all direction. Lost from all hope. And often times we lose our meaning on earth.
We often hear of people setting off on life journeys to discover their inner selves. To discover what life is all about. And what their purpose on earth may be. And to that I say Kudos! Unfortunately for a 17 year old, theres only so much you can do and so far you can go. So instead, why not seek Him. Ask Him. Turn to Him. He bares ALL the answers! To short or long questions. To the simple or the complicated. Ask Him and He answer.
‘Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you :for every one that asketh receiveth and he that seeketh findeth ; and to him that knocketh it shall opened.'-Matthew 7:7-8
He will bring so much meaning to your life. To devote your life to the One who gave YOU life. I find that to be my purpose. Its time to step up and make a difference. To dare to be different!
'Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.' -1 Timothy 4:12
And to those who are confident that they believe in the Lord but feels like they fall short of appreciation for the Lord, fear not. You are not alone. We all fall at times. We as humans bare imperfection, thus hold weaknesses.
'Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils..' -1 Timothy 4:1
But let not weakness get in the way of your relationship with God. Seek Him and ask Him for strength. To not let weakness get the best of you and to guide you along every step of the way.
Our Dad and King will lead you on your journey through life. He will free you of all bondages that hold you down. Just nevet let go of Him for He is always holding on so tightly.

p/s the video may work better on Mozilla Firefox if you have it. If not feel free to visit this site,