Friday, May 25, 2007

Generation Revival!

The GENREV community once again does not fail to deliver in abundance a message so powerful to many. Returning from Fan Into Flame II 2007, I am once again empowered and filled with a greater understanding of what it is I must do to progress one step further into my relationship with God.

To be perfectly honest, one of the reasons I have not been updating this particular blog is because I found myself slowly feeling more and more lost in my religion, feeling that maybe it was time for that next step, deeper into our relationship. The problem was, I didn't know what it was that I had to do to progress.

Tonight, the GENREV community has touched my life. They have proven that all prayers, if in His will, will be answered. And that if you truly want something enough, He will grant it if He feels you are ready. After a long time of praying and seeking, I got my answer through this concert. I wondered, initially, what it was that kept me away from Him. I asked that He keep me close always, that I may not stray too far in the process. He answered my prayers, showed me what it was that I had to do and renewed my faith so deeply that words alone could not begin to sum it up.

The words that Kiddo spoke through his sharing had really hit the nail on the head for me. We are one people. A community. Together, we walk in the same direction and stand together for always. We are one people. We are a royal priesthood, a holy nation. Everybody One. And He asked us to go out and baptize the world, to immerse others in His Word! Not separately, not alone but together. This, as Kiddo said, is my next step closer to Him. To live out the faith. To spread His word and to share His joy with others. To renew our relationship, we must continue to take these few steps, deeper into the relationship with Him. Do not be content with what you have now. Continue to seek. If you feel you love Him now, then seek Him even more and love Him more!

Our God is a God of endless possibilities and loves us unconditionally. Return the favour. Spread the salt, not alone but as one people. His people.

All the best, friends. =)) God bless.

-- "I'm gave my heart to Someone who will never leave"

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