Saturday, March 31, 2007

Sea of Faces

Sea of Faces
I see the city lights all around me
Everyone's obscure
Ten million people each with their problems
Why should anyone care?

And in Your eyes I can see
I am not just a man, vastly lost in this world
Lost in a Sea of Faces
Your body's the bread, Your blood is the wine
Because you traded Your life for mine

Sometimes my life it feels so trivial
Immersed in the greatness of space
Yet somehow you still find the time for me
It's then You show me Your love

And In Your eyes I can see
And in Your arms I will be
I am not just a man, vastly lost in this world
Lost in a Sea of Faces
Your body's the bread, Your blood is the wine
Because you traded Your life for mine

If only my one heart
Was all you'd gain from all it cost
Well I know you would have still been a man
With a reason
To willingly offer your life

I am not just a man, vastly lost in this world
Lost in a Sea of Faces
Your body's the bread, Your blood is the wine
Because you traded Your life for mine

Just one in a million faces
In the midst of preparation for Good Friday, I have found this song to be quite suitable for the occassion. It speaks partly of how God willingly traded His life for all His people. And even if He was giving His whole life up for only a single soul, He would still do the same.
It was my first time in a long time, today, that I attended the children's liturgy again. My family and I had decided that Sunset Mass would be more practical for us so we decided to attend mass on Saturdays instead from now on. A good friend of mine extended her most sincerest invitation to me to join them in helping out at the Children's Liturgy.
Upon attending the liturgy, I was both amused and very shocked, and a little ashamed as well if I may add. When it comes to The Bible, I think I must shamefully confess that I know close to nothing about the Scriptures and how things played out back then in Jesus' time. Sitting amongst children at the ages of 8-12 today, I was absolutely astounded to see how much they knew about the Scriptures, who was who and what was what. Even more than I, sad to say. It was, on the other hand, quite refreshing seeing children know so much about His Word. A good example and a faithful motivator to push me to read up more on the scriptures.
The liturgy teacher spoke of how Jesus faced Jews and Pilate and how He was ridiculed and tortured before His prolonged death on the cross. She emphasized strongly on how he suffered and experienced great pain in the process. She, later, then instructed us to lift up our hands as high as we could and keep them up there for as long as we could afford to. Kids being the over-energetic little critters that they are of course managed to keep their hands up in the air for awhile. But later on another one of the liturgy teachers challenged us all to stretch out our arms, as Jesus did on the cross, for an hour during Good Friday next week just to understand a teensy tiny bit of the pain that Jesus had to go through when He died for us.
What He had gone through was much worse than simply lifting your hands up in the air fora few measly hours. No, it was much much more worse than that. The sharp pain in His hands from the nails, the stinging pain of thorns on His brow and the great weight that pulled Him downwards, ripping His ribs apart, made it all the more difficult for Him to endure the cruxifiction. And it was not a short and easy death either. He had to hang up there for hours before He finally died.
I'm not saying we should constantly mourn over His death, living life dismal and bleak. Just remember His noble deed. Thank Him always and never forget Him.
This song is not only for those who need a reminder of how He died for us. It is also for those out there who feel small and insignificant to the world. It is for those who have forgotten His love for us. It is for those who feel their problems overpower them and it is all too much to swallow. It is to remind us all that the world is a vast piece of land, that it will turn its back on you someday, that it cares so little for your needs and cannot attend to your every cry. But at the same time lives a God who is there and can attend to your every need. Who died for you just so you could enjoy all the good things in your life right now, so you could go through this great experience of which is life and through it hold onto some very important life lessons that you pick up along the way. Lessons that draw you closer to Him and bring to you a greater understanding of Him.
So grasp to your limit, all the lessons that you encounter in your life. Hold on so tightly to the one and only God who will set you free and sees you not only as just another man in a sea of faces but as a shining star in His heart. Forget not this God and the sacrifices that He has made for you. Give thanks to Him always and love Him to the ends of the earth.
I wish you all a blessed Holy Week in advance. May we all experience a little bit of Christ in all of us through this blessed week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love working in the childrens church part of my church
i help run the audio visual stuff there
and planning to be playing guitar once we upgrade to live music :)

~your american friend